AQNB 2012-2022

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Over the course of a decade, AQNB (Atractivo que no bello) documented emerging artistic practices, movements, and voices. Rooted in the anti-hierarchical, highly personalized, and globally- distributed communities facilitated by Web 2.0, the online platform chronicled cultures as they emerged, and the common aesthetic language those cultures forged.

This anthology brings together the works of the artists, writers, musicians, critics, theorists, and associated forces whose voices defined AQNB. They were a group of creative practitioners who sought and found new pathways for artistic expression; cultural co-conspirators whose alliances have helped to define creativity in the hybrid IRL- digital geographies where we all now live, work, (periodically) thrive, and survive—spaces as vibrant as they are anxious, as dynamic as they are leaky.

AQNB offered a glimpse of the present as the future, and this collection provides a distillation of the essence of a project whose meaning rejects finality. In reading it, you may find fleeting glimpses of your own story, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Kategorie: Knihy
Nakladatel: TLTRPreß
Rok vydání: 2023
ISBN: 978-3-9819640-6-6
Jazyk: anglicky
Počet stran: 232
Typ vazby: brožovaná

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